Monday, June 6, 2011

Golden, Colorado

Just a quick update with some teaser photos from my one and only rest day in Golden Colorado with my gracious host Andrew! I'm alive and well, aside from the monster belly ache I have attained from the pizza buffet I just visited. I'm ~1900 miles into my ride and done with the fun terrain. If all goes immaculately, I would like to be in Jersey by July 4th. Whatever the case, early July is the eta. I've been doing huge days in difficult terrain at high altitudes so I'm stoked to see how far I can go in the following days. Boy do I have a bunch of stories to write up when I get the chance! Thanks for all your support!


  1. Spencer ThielmannJune 7, 2011 at 8:34 PM

    These pictures are awesome! I hope you had a restful rest day. We are all following your moves avidly here. We also decided you are going to be by far the most attractive person in our friend group. Dave said he might not be able to resist banging you. I just thought you should know. Anyway, it's not the same without you here. We all miss you. -Spencer

  2. I can't believe how FAST you're doing this. Holy crap.

  3. Great pictures! Can't believe how many miles you've been able to cover per day! Can't wait to hear all about your trip - I'll have you over for dinner and you can tell us all about it! Be safe!

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  6. Good luck on the rest of your trip! That snow pic is AMAZING lol.

  7. Word is you are east of the Delaware!!! Welcome home bud! Great job!

  8. I think it's great that you are doing this. I'm tired of seeing Mexicans with their leaf-blowers everywhere I go!
